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Anatomy of a Song - Fine

We are almost there. We're releasing the new single very soon. But first, I figured I'd tear apart another song of ours.

A few months back I wrote a blog breaking down my song lyrics for the song, I Don't Really Wanna Care No More. This post does the same for another one, Fine. Here's the song:

Here are the actual lyrics:

It’s a tender age to feel renewed

I’m trying not to see things through

So many things I can’t undo

Lapse of time is nothing new

And I’d say it’s all right

All this spin won’t turn me around

There’s no time to feel let down

It’s an all-consuming sound

Running through this whole damn town

And I’d say it’s all right


The feel of this song is purposefully summery and smooth. The vibe pulls from Real Estate, New Order Tears for Fears, and it's got that Lynchian reverb and twang.

The whole first verse of this song is primarily dealing with aging, which is a common theme for me, because I’m getting older. The first line hits on it:

It’s a tender age to feel renewed.

Tender age implies youth, but you don’t feel renewed in your youth, you are new. Renewal is reserved for those of us with some years and experience.

I’m trying not to see things through

So many things I can’t undo

Lapse of time is nothing new

I like the idea of trying not see things through. This is in part, because as I get older, I want to avoid death, so there is at least one thing I don't want to see through.

It's also an idea about endings: they are a construct. Real life is more fluid. As you age, you don’t want to see things through all of the time, because some things just are the way the are.

The next two lines - "So many things I can’t undo / Lapse of time is nothing new" - are self explanatory. They say what they mean.

Then the chorus hits:

And I’d say it’s all right.

Is everything all right, or am I saying everything’s all right? There is a difference. Everything may not be all right, but I am saying it.

All this spin won’t turn me round.

Political spin rarely changes beliefs. However, spin is also a reference to the world spinning, which is an idea I love.

There’s no time to feel let down.

Sometimes it feels like you don’t have the time to feel let down. You're too busy spinning around. Feeling let down can be a luxury - you still have expectations that are not being met.

It’s an all consuming sound

Running through this whole damn town.

“All consuming sound” is a reference to nuclear apocalypse; something I think about way too often, because it's terrifying. However, it also doubles for music, which I adore. I also love duality.

Next we come to the chorus again, which carries the same message - is everything all right?

After the chorus we hit an instrumental bridge where the synth carries the melody and reaches for something more than I can say with words.

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